
Thursday, June 16, 2011

You're Not Listening!

Letter from General Beauregard to Jefferson Davis. From The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the States 1861 to 1865, including a brief personal sketch and a narrative of his services in the war with Mexico, 1846 (as found at  This letter is oozing with Beauregard's discontent with Davis.
To his Excellency President JEFF. DAVIS, Richmond, Va. 
Manassas Junction, June 16th 1861

Can I be informed why it is that none of my communications to the War Department through the Adjutant-General's Department are answered. They are not even acknowledged. I refer more particularly to my letters of the 5th, 9th, and 12th instant. Ought my communications (reports, etc.) to be sent through General Lee or not? He is the only one from whom I receive any official orders of any importance.

I beg to call your attention particularly to my letter of the 5th instant, referring to the immediate necessity of furnishing my command with belts (of any material) three (3) inches wide, red on one side and yellow on the other, to be worn with either color on the outside, and from over the right shoulder buttoned under the left arm, or from left to right, as the officer in command shall direct, for the time being. Many of my regiments are not furnished with the Confederate colors ; how are they to be distinguished in battle from the enemy ? especially if we attack them in flank or rear, as we ought to do whenever practicable. I feel very much concerned about these two matters. I have no doubt that, if the ladies of Richmond were called upon, belts and colors could be made in a few days.

Many of my companies are entirely unprovided with cartridge and cap boxes ; what are they to do, especially in wet weather? We have no ammunition to waste. I have thought it advisable to call these facts to your Excellency's attention, as they are going to play a very important part in our battles with the enemy. I remain, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

G. T. Beauregard, Brig.-Genl. Comdg.
From NYPL Digital Library

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